What's the best way to refresh your long forgotten Russian?

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What's the best way to refresh your long forgotten Russian?

5 Answers

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marianne | 0 points - about 5 years ago

You have to speak and listen.

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agustin | 0 points - about 5 years ago

To start both speaking and chatting with a native speaker.

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agustin | 0 points - about 5 years ago

Start watching movies in Russian with English subtitles,talk to your old friends on social media or make some new.

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kasi_kuhn | 0 points - about 5 years ago

Mostly reviewing the sources you learnt Russian from. You can also chat and communicate with Russian native speakers to restore it. Reading stories in Russian as well.

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delma | 0 points - about 5 years ago

The best way is to make a trip to russia for being surrounded by native speakers or you find a native speaker who speaks regularly with you

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