How to say “shut up”

Hi guys

I want to say someone to be quiet but not sound as rude as saying "shut up". How can I say it?

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

The imperative form of the verb молчать ‘be silent’ is молчи (sg.) / молчите (pl.).
You can use this form, but more commonly, it is used with a prefix:
замолчи(те) — literally: ‘start being silent’, or
помолчи(те) — literally: ‘be silent for a while’.
You can also use the infinitive form without prefixes: молчать!
All these phrases are quite direct requests—neither polite nor too rude.

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

Перестань(те)/прекрати(те) разговаривать - Stop talking
Не разговаривай(те)! Не разговаривать! - No talking
Перестань(те)/прекрати(те) шуметь 
Не шуми(те)! Не шуметь! - Hold your noise
Тихо! - Quiet!

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kasi_kuhn | 0 points - over 5 years ago

Соблюдайте тишину/дисциплину/правила поведения/правила приличия - if you are talking to students

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marianne | 0 points - over 5 years ago

Shut up is заткнись but it’s rude 

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