Надо и нужно
Could someone explain the difference between надо and нужно? I just don't get it.
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Log Indominic | 0 points - over 5 years ago
Надо means I must, I should, I need to - with a moral like obligation implied:
"I need to call my mom."
Нужно is a more straightforward need without moral obligation implied:
"I need a pencil for this task."
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quinton.gutkowski | 0 points - over 5 years ago
Надо is a more informal, colloquial form
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sommer.kilback | 0 points - over 5 years ago
My native friend said that there's no real difference between надо and нужно. His words: Usually we don't put nouns after "надо" like, say: "мне надо такси". It sounds much better if you use it with the verbs: "Мне надо вызвать такси". "Нужно" is also used exclusively with verbs, but you can use it with nouns IF you modify this word according to genders:
Мне нужен телефон - I need a phone
Мне нужна ручка - I need a pen
Мне нужны деньги - I need money
Ты мне нужен – I need you
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