Percentage in Russian

How do I say this percentage in Russian: 3.236%?

3 Answers

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dominic | 0 points - almost 5 years ago

It's formed like that:
3% - три процента
3,2% - три целых две десятых процента (3 + 0,2 = three whole parts and two tenth parts)
3,24% - три целых двадцать четыре сотых процента (3+0,24 = three whole parts and twenty four hundredth parts)
3,236% - три целых двести тридцать шесть тысячных процента (3+0,236 = three whole parts and two hundred thirty six thousandth parts)

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quinton.gutkowski | 0 points - almost 5 years ago

You can easily say this number as follows: “Три, (и) двести тридцать шесть тысячных процента"

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deanna | 0 points - almost 5 years ago

Три целых двести тридцать шесть тысячных процента

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