Russians fillers

There are a lot of fillers in English: well, like, you know, actually, anyway, and so on.
What about fillers in the Russian language?

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

Russians also use their own fillers and sometimes too much. Here are some examples:
Ну, короче, как бы, в общем, так сказать, реально, блин, значит, это самое, типа, конкретно, вообще, понимаешь

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

I'd consider вот a filler too

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kasi_kuhn | 0 points - over 5 years ago

A couple of examples:
Ну короче, звоню я ему, а он такой типа не слышит – And so I was calling him but he kinda pretended not to hear it.
В общем, они там реально все того – Well, they all are really crazy

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