Russian music

What are your favorite Russian songs or bands?
I guess it's an awesome way to learn new vocabulary and get acquainted with the culture a little bit so I'm interested in what music you find cool.

5 Answers

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otto | 0 points - over 5 years ago

Баста и Смоки Мо, favourites for hip hop 

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madeleine | 0 points - over 5 years ago

I enjoy classical music (Пётр Чайковский, Сергей Рахманинов, Сергей Прокофьев)

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elvira | 1 point - over 5 years ago

Rock: Сплин, Король и шут, Кино, Земфира, Мумий тролль, Nautilus Pompilius. Love them

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rodolfo | 0 points - over 5 years ago

if you like folk, you’d probably love Мельница.

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ronald | 0 points - over 5 years ago

Эпидемия is a Russian power metal band. I really loved the music and lyrics

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