A question about gender

I don’t quite understand what happens when the noun is one gender and the person represented by it is another. It’s mostly about professions. For example:
A good (male) doctor said that... – Хороший доктор сказал, что...

A good (female) doctor said that... – Хорошая доктор сказала, что...?
How does it work?

3 Answers

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

The verb follows the gender of the person.

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

The thing is that many professions used to be only for males in the past, so the tradition of the muscular gender here has been kept (because people are used to say those nouns like that). In such cases you leave the adjective in muscular gender but you do change the verb, for example:
Моя мать – хороший доктор (My mother is a good doctor)
Доктор Иванова меня лечила (Dr Ivanova was treating me)

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kasi_kuhn | 0 points - over 5 years ago

By the way, there are some professions with feminine gender:
Писатель – писательница
Учитель – учительница
Студент – студентка
Артист – артистка
Актер – актриса 
And so on

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